
4 reasons why you should tackle the #100daysofcode challenge

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If you’re connected to the coding world in any way, you will most likely have heard about the #100daysofcode challenge. Developers from all over the world are filling their social media pages with their progress reports and inspiring stories about how it’s changed their perspective on coding. But what exactly does the challenge entail? According to Richard Middleton, the challenge is a simple one – code for at least one hour every day, and tweet your progress using the hashtag: #100daysofcode. Here’s why we think it’s a great way to level up your coding skills.


Practice makes perfect


Source: Medium


This comic by Sarah Anderson illustrates what many believe is one of the English language’s biggest cliches. But “practice makes perfect” is a cliche that bears a real nugget of truth, and in the world of code, it’s proven to to be quite the anthem. At this point you may be asking – why commit to a 100-day challenge when you can just practice in your own time and at your own speed? Fair point. But there is something you’ll get from taking the #100daysofcode challenge, that you might not develop on your own – consistency. Some of the most successful practitioners in their field claim that consistent practice is the key to mastering a skill. The #100daysofcode challenge only involves an hour of your day, but it’s a meaningful hour – an hour of growing your skill set and knowledge, that you will build on the next day (and the next…). If you make a commitment and follow through with it consistently, you’ll be well on your way to forming a new habit of learning how to hone your skill, one day at a time.


Become accountable

Consistency isn’t the only new habit you’ll form if you decide to tackle the #100daysofcode challenge. What you’ll also learn is accountability. Part of the challenge is to tweet about your progress every day – what you’re working on, how far you’ve gotten and which day of coding you’re on.

If you’re a coding newbie and you’re just starting to find your feet, this challenge is a great way to learn how to work with a mentor. As we keep hearing from some of the top names in dev, mentorship is a key ingredient of a successful career in coding. And part of building that relationship is learning how to become accountable – learning to admit your mistakes, finding a solution to problems and checking in with someone consistently. If you’re new to all of this and you find the whole idea of building a professional relationship with someone intimidating, then the #100daysofcode challenge is the perfect crash course. Why? Every time you tweet, it’a a little check-in with a global community – a way to make sure that you’re staying on track. Even though it’s on a micro level, you’ll be learning accountability.


Join a global community

When you tweet, and follow the hashtag, you’ll become connected to a network of developers from all over the globe. You’ll meet new people with whom you can share ideas and victories. The hashtag has become an almost infinite repository of inspiration and ideas. Coders have used the challenge to build entire websites, mobile apps and other side projects. When you join a like-minded community, the task will feel less daunting and more exhilarating.


Take the opportunity to build a portfolio

If you’re really smart, you’ll use the #100daysofcode challenge as a step up to bigger, better things – like your next job. Think about it, by taking the challenge you’re able to build a portfolio of work – something to show for the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired over time. Remember, if you’re fresh out of college or you’ve just completed a bootcamp, you still need one more essential ingredient to put your best foot forward, and that’s experience.

Coding employers these days look for candidates who have hands-on experience with working in the field. And it’s a tough one because to get experience, you may think you first need a job. But this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. Showing some evidence that you’ve done the challenge, means that you can show that you’ve taken initiative to gain valuable experience. It might just give you the competitive edge you need to get ahead.


When Alexander Kallaway proposed the #100daysofcode challenge, he had no idea that it would become as ubiquitous as it has. The challenge was born out of his personal frustration with lack of consistency and a struggle to find the drive to code. Today, he has inspired millions of coders to build their ideas, one day at a time, for 100 days. Are you up for the challenge?


Want to be part of the challenge but don’t know where to start? Schedule a call with us today and we’ll give you helpful advice on how to build a future in coding.