best programming books

5 Best Programming Books for Beginners

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When you’re starting off in a new career in the developer world, all the information you need to know can get quite overwhelming. It’s always best to be doing some additional reading in parallel with your online course or coding bootcamp, or even when you’ve already transitioned into your new career! We’ve rounded up the best programming books for beginners, ranging from problem-solving tactics to technical books on JavaScript and Python languages.

1. Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming by Marijn Haverbeke

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JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language for web development. Its ease of use and versatility make it easy to develop dynamic and interactive websites. When you’re starting off in the web development world, it’s a great idea to read up on some technical programming information regarding this popular programming language.

Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming is one of the best programming books for beginners and is even available for free to read online. This book is divided into three parts: basics of JS, how it’s used on browsers, and how to use Node.js.

Get this book here.

2. Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley

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Successful developers are constantly optimizing their problem-solving skills. The second edition of Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley teaches the basics and best practices of solving problems by focusing on a range of programming tasks, such as “sorting numbers, creating anagrams, or counting the words in a block of text.” This book will assist you in learning to think like a programmer, so it’s considered to be one of the best programming books you can read when starting out in the programming industry.

Get this book here.


3. Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming

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Python is quickly becoming one of the fastest-growing programming languages. Naturally, you should add a book filled with Python tutorials to your list of the best programming book reads if you’re starting off in the programing industry. Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming will walk you through both the basics and advanced applications of Python, while supplying easy-to-follow tutorials to guide you through your learning process.

Get this book here.

4. The Upside of Stress- Kelly McGonigal

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Stressful work situations are common when working as a developer. You may find yourself working long hours trying to debug several lines of code or trying to solve many other problems with your website, user interface or back-end database. This book can help you see stress differently, in more of a positive and inspiring manner. The Upside of Stress uses real-life examples and techniques that can help you turn your overwhelming stress into optimised focus and energy.

Get this book here.


5. The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide by John Sonmez

best programming books

Once you’ve sharpened your problem-solving skills as a developer and implemented your knowledge on a few programming languages, it’s time to actually get out there and start interviewing for your new developer job. This book, The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide, will go through a range of topics, such as the technical skills required for a developer career, the pros and cons of coding bootcamps, and how you can teach yourself how to code. Sonmez also discusses what it’s like working as a developer and how you can best advance your career in the programming industry.

Get this book here.

It’s a known fact that developers are lifelong learners. When starting a new career as a developer, it’s always a good idea to read more and educate yourself as much as possible. With so many resources out there, it’s important to read only the best programming books available, especially the technical books on JavaScript and Python. If you’re interested in studying JavaScript and Python through an online coding bootcamp, check out HyperionDev’s 6-month courses, specifically the Full-Stack Web Development course, which delves deep into both programming languages.