Aifheli – From IT Diploma Graduate to FNB Java Software Developer

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Aifheli has been fascinated with all things related to computers since he was 13 years old. Passion and hard work led him to HyperionDev in search of becoming a software developer. After studying Java, C# and Python for 3 months with HyperionDev, Aifheli accepted a position as Java Software Developer at FNB. Read on to find out more about Aifheli’s journey to coding for one of South Africa’s biggest banks.

Which HyperionDev course did you take? Tell us a bit about your background.

I am 30 years old from Johannesburg, South Africa. I currently work as a Java Software Developer at FNB, one of the top 4 banks in South Africa. I was an unemployed National IT Diploma graduate from Tshwane University of Technology in 2016. I then became part of the Johannesburg cohort on the HyperionDev & CiTi Software Development Training program where I was enrolled on the Certified Software Developer Micro Degree, studying Java, C# and Python for 3 months. Afterwards, I was then recruited into the FNB IT department as a Java Software Developer.


Why did you decide on this course? Were you wanting to start a new career?

I knew from the very first moment I interacted with a computer that I wanted to know all things related to computing and programming. I started my path towards becoming a programmer when I was 13 years old. 16 years later, I am still excited about always learning more. I would mostly say it was passion that drove me to become a software engineer.


Did the course help you achieve your career goals and objectives? If so, how?

Yes, HyperionDev’s course had me complete practical assignments in different programming languages (Java, C#, Python). Since taking this course, I have improved my programming skills when it comes to solving completion errors and defects on system. I feel comfortable and confident about programming after completing the course.


Tell us about your experience of the HyperionDev mentorship – what aspects were particularly helpful?

HyperionDev is a very professional organization that knows how to train students in the necessary languages, frameworks and technologies that are needed to properly prepare them for a career in tech.


What parts of the course did you enjoy the most?

Coding Java.


What advice would you give to people wanting to shift careers to become developers?

Software development is easy – you just need to be someone who is passionate, dedicated and effective.