data science bootcamp

Announcing the new Data Science Bootcamp from HyperionDev

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The coding education specialists at HyperionDev are pleased to announce the launch of the Data Science Bootcamp, a brand new addition to the choice of mentor-led online coding courses on offer.

What is data science?

Data science, also called data-driven science, is a field that uses statistics and scientific systems to extract meaningful information from large amounts of complex data. By analysing this raw information, data scientists can provide businesses in many industries with valuable insights which will affect their future decision-making.


Demand for data scientists

As many businesses are becoming more data-driven, there is a high demand for qualified data scientists. There is also a skills gap in the market, which means there are many opportunities for newly qualified data scientists to fill the available roles.

The online 6-month bootcamp is designed to help you to fasttrack your way into a sought-after position as a data scientist.


The Data Science Bootcamp curriculum

HyperionDev has created a comprehensive course that will introduce learners to all the fundamentals of data science. The curriculum covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to programming with Python
  • Object oriented programming and functions
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Storing and querying relational data
  • Data exploration, analytics and visualisation
  • The fundamentals of machine learning and AI
  • Post-bootcamp support including CV assistance and interview preparation


Why choose an online bootcamp?

Online bootcamps allow you a degree of flexibility that on-campus courses don’t. With HyperionDev, you can learn on the go, and complete the learning at your own pace.

The content covered in the bootcamp is up-to-date, relevant and industry-aligned, allowing you to step into the industry with confidence. With next-day code reviews and on-demand feedback, you’ll be able to learn and grow quickly, practising real-world data science as you go.

You’ll also benefit from personalised mentorship and career coaching as you work your way through the course. You’ll have one-on-one support and feedback from a full-time qualified coding mentor, an expert educator who will help to enrich your data science knowledge.

Your bootcamp experience doesn’t end with graduation. After completing the course, learners also get guidance on putting together CVs and preparing for job interviews in the tech industry. We also provide direct referrals to our hiring partners. With this added support, most graduates are able to start their new careers within 6 months of graduating.


Try a no-cost bootcamp trial

Before you commit to purchasing a course, you can complete the free bootcamp trial course at no cost. This will give you a feel for the bootcamp structure, before signing up for the full certified Data Science Bootcamp.


Next bootcamp begins 5 February

The next Data Science Bootcamp is scheduled to start on 5 February 2019, with a duration of 3 – 6 months depending on your learning preference. Sign up and make this the year you launch an exciting new career in the world of data.