App Making Made Easy

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Is your brain buzzing with ideas about the next big app, but you don’t know where to start? Or perhaps you want to optimize your business processes and you know an app could solve all your problems. So what’s stopping you? Maybe you feel that you don’t have the skills or the costs of implementation are too high.  Well, there are ways around these problems.


The first place to start is the internet, where you can find both app builder tools and online app development courses. These are two ways you can learn to build your app and make it downloadable for all those eager app users.


As far as app builder tools go, Google has released App Maker, a new application added to its Gsuite. This application lets you build customised enterprise apps to serve a very specific purpose within an organization. It boasts a low code app building platform which leverages other apps in your Gsuite, such as Contacts, Groups and Maps, allowing for built-in support. As far as industry standards go, using App Maker is very quick, due to there being built-in templates, drag and drop functions and point and click data modelling. For those with more development expertise, you can customise the app at a deeper level with scripts, as well as HTML, CSS, Jquery and Javascript content. Google Analytics is linked to the live app, helping to monitor usage.

app making


App Maker is targeted at businesses using Gsuite to build a line of business solutions for the entire company that meets very specific needs, such as tracking suspicious login activities or making claim forms digital. This end-to-end platform provides businesses, of all sizes, the opportunity to maximize their efficiency by digitizing daily practices and solving drawbacks without the need of a developer. This new ‘serverless’ development by the Google team will definitely enhance the performance of those businesses using the Gsuite platform.


What if you simply want to create your own app that is scalable, or you want to become a professional app developer? Taking an online course could be the difference between merely having an idea and realising a dream. Earning the Associate Android Developer Certification from Google will provide you with the skills to develop superb mobile applications for the world’s most popular mobile operating system – Android. HyperionDev, in association with Google, offers both an Introductory and an Advanced Mobile Developer three month course. You will learn to build your own app from scratch, and become sought after in your career. App development is currently one of the most in-demand skills in South Africa, as well as being one of the most high paying.

With app entrepreneurship, you can increase your networth substantially
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