Find the best developer jobs out there with HyperionDev Careers

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So your HyperionDev bootcamp is done and dusted. Now what – how are you going to take that all-important next step: landing a job as a developer? With HyperionDev Careers, HyperionDev’s placement and career support service, it’s sorted. This division is dedicated to securing developer jobs for our graduates by connecting students with employers of their choice.

As with any traditional degree or diploma, a bootcamp certificate alone may not be sufficient to get you that developer job. Employers also look for the relevant skills, sound technical knowledge and a strong portfolio to close their tech skills gap and hire for the developer jobs that are needed. HyperionDev Careers’ mission is to ensure that as a developer candidate have the best possible career profile to catch the recruiter’s eye.

So how does ‘Careers’ boost your chances of landing that lucrative developer job? Here are some of the services we offer:


We’ll link you up with the employers of your choice, including our relevant contacts.

Technical interviews

The technical interview can be a minefield, because your technical knowledge is frequently tested. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to ace that interview, because we understand the components of the tech interview, which could include quizzes, hypotheticals (‘What would you do if…?’), and likely tech interview questions. We’ll conduct mock technical interviews with you so you are best prepared for this challenging process.

Personality tests

We’ll conduct the relevant personality tests so that you learn to know yourself, particularly your strengths, in more detail. This will help greatly with job interviews.

The technical CV

The technical CV is a little different from a run-of-the-mill CV, because it emphasises your technical skills. We’ll show you how to put one together to optimally highlight specific tech qualifications or skills, and grab the attention of the hiring manager paging through a stack of CVs.


Some estimates claim that up to 85% of jobs are found via networking, states an article on PayScale. LinkedIn is a prime spot for networking, but you need to know how to do it most advantageously. We’ll show you how.

Assistance in building up and refining your GitHub profile

GitHub is a software development platform, where you can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside millions of other developers. It’s also one of the first things hiring managers look for when picking the best candidates for the job. We’ll help you build up and refine your GitHub profile, a vital asset in promoting your skills and knowledge.


You’ll receive assistance from a dedicated team who are committed to supporting you from the day of your onboarding right through to your new career in tech.

During level 3 of your bootcamp, you will be invited to join the HyperionDev Careers community. When it comes to finding developer jobs, the stats look very promising for our HyperionDev graduates. According to our 2018 Graduate Outcomes Report, the following positive trends were noted:

  • 95% of graduates reached their career outcomes. These outcomes include moving to a tech career, starting a business, upskilling in their current tech role, or using their new skills in a non-tech job.
  • 61% of graduates switched to a career in tech.
  • 72% switched to a new career within 3 months.
  • Average salary increases post-graduation were estimated at R12k per month/ R144k per year.

To sum up, it’s much easier to land a tech job with dedicated professionals who know the industry supporting you. HyperionDev Careers serves precisely this function. If you’re keen to change careers or upskill, consider enrolling on a HyperionDev online bootcamp in Web Development, Data Science or Software Engineering. You can also trial one of these courses for free. If online learning is not for you, enrol in an immersive, face-to-face Web Developer or Software Engineering course in Cape Town or Johannesburg. Courses are offered part-time or full-time.