Silicon Valley developer

How to Get Hired as a Silicon Valley Developer

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The allure of working as a Silicon Valley developer is universal. Every coder, from the newbie to the seasoned software architect, knows about Silicon Valley, the San Francisco technology hub. Home to the world’s leading tech companies (Apple, Google and Facebook) as well as plenty of start-ups, Silicon Valley is a dream destination for many developers looking to launch their international careers.

As an aspiring Silicon Valley developer, what skills do you need to get hired?

Meet a Need in the Job Market

Recent research by Indeed reports that overall job postings in San Francisco’s Bay Area are down compared to previous years. Job growth in Silicon Valley has been declining since 2015, so there are less positions available, and that means you’ll have plenty of competition when trying to land a role there.

Forbes lists the following positions as the current top ten jobs in demand by Silicon Valley companies:

  1. Software engineer
  2. Front-end developer
  3. Full-stack developer
  4. Product manager
  5. Development operations engineer
  6. Software architect
  7. Java developer
  8. Software test engineer
  9. Senior product manager
  10. Engineering programme manager

If you have any of the above coding and development qualifications, you’ll have a much better chance of landing that dream job in sunny California. HyperionDev has a range of online coding bootcamps available, to get you started. These flexible courses cover front-end and back-end development, as well as software engineering.

Speak the Right (Coding) Language

It’s important that you learn the most in-demand programming languages for front-end and back-end development.

According to a recent Developer Skills Report survey, most employers in tech look for developers proficient in Java and/ or Javascript. On the other hand, a growing number of developers are focusing on languages created by Silicon Valley tech firms. Go, created by Google, is the most popular, followed by Rust (backed by Mozilla) and Swift (developed by Apple). This shows how Silicon Valley technology is driving a shift in the languages prioritised by developers.

Develop Your Soft Skills

While technical skills are important, major firms also look for employees who will be strong team players. It’s important that you’re able to build a good rapport with your team members, and share knowledge with them. You may also be required to communicate with clients on behalf of the company, which makes you responsible for upholding your company’s reputation.

Good developers have sound technical knowledge, but great developers are those who are always willing to learn more. Great developers don’t just excel behind the keyboard; they’re also able to apply their problem-solving know-how to real-life situations. Top companies are looking to employ great developers, so be sure to cultivate soft skills like active listening, empathy, open-mindedness and approachability.

Up Your Networking Game

Sometimes the old saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” rings true. If you are job-hunting in a competitive area like Silicon Valley, it helps to have connections. Get to know other people in the local tech industry by attending Bay Area meetups, conferences and other networking events. You might meet your perfect employment match, or find like-minded people to collaborate with on a project – at the very least, you’ll make a few new friends in the industry.

Face-to-face connections are ideal, but not always feasible. If your location makes it difficult to attend meetups in person, you can also take advantage of digital networking options, and stay active on industry forums and chat groups.

Demonstrate Your Passion

If you’re looking to make an impact on a prospective Silicon Valley employer, it pays to have a well-rounded portfolio of work. If you can showcase your passion and skill outside of a 9-to-5 job, that’s something tech firms will notice and appreciate.

Work on notable side projects that will build your skill set and improve your employability. Build a creative app, design a piece of open source software, or take on pro-bono website work for a local NGO.

Looking for inspiration? Sign up for a HyperionDev bootcamp and get a chance to learn from an industry mentor. You’ll gain invaluable technical skills, while the mentorship process will also help you to hone your interpersonal skills, and give you some ideas for creative and productive side projects. If you’ve got your heart set on being a Silicon Valley developer, this is the place to start!