Hyperion Success Stories: Chris Ellingson

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This article is part of a Hyperion Success Stories series, in which we find out from our students how taking a HyperionDev course has helped them in their lives, studies, and careers.

In this article we catch up with Chris Ellingson.


Tell us a bit about yourself? 


I work as a project engineering and electronics technician, specialising in vehicle diagnostics and EOL programming systems used for VW, GM, Daimler and Isuzu.


Electronics is a hobby of mine, specifically embedded systems. Being ‘lazy’ (I prefer using the term efficient) in nature, I am always looking for ways to automate my home and life. My current personal project involves a system to automate my electronics workshop, stables and home to improve security, supervise my farm workers and keep things in order when I am at work. One of my favourite parts of this project is the keyless entry system I have implemented. I had an RFID tag implanted in my hand. Initially, my doctor was initially shocked, but he was curious enough to perform the procedure. I have been using the RFID tag for the past two years with no issue and plan to upgrade to a more advanced unit at a later stage.


How did you hear or find out about Hyperion Development? 


Through a Google search.


Which Hyperion course did you take and why?


Python programming course. I have encountered many projects that use python in the  industry. In addition, the fact that it is supported by so many platforms made it an attractive choice. The syntax is intuitive and well-documented.


How has the course helped you towards your studies, your career or finding a job? 


The course has strengthened my programming knowledge and improved my understanding of OOP. I have started to use python in some of my personal projects, as it is so quick and easy to roll out a solution when compared to other languages.


How was the one-on-one human tutor interaction and feedback beneficial to you during the course?


My tutor was very helpful -having a tutor available is critical, especially with new or inexperienced students.


Our current course set-up allows students to do work offline – was this beneficial to you at all?


Yes, I am not always near a internet connection – being able to work offline and (automatically) submit my work when I am online again is a huge help.


What did you enjoy most about the course?


The variety of tutorials based on real-world problems. It gives a person a taste of what they could be working on in the future.


Date originally published: 25/01/16