Emile Esterhuizen – From Bioprocessing Student to Python Programmer

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In our latest Hyperion Success Story we find out from one of our students how taking a Hyperion course has helped them in their lives, studies, and careers.

Tell us a bit about yourself?


I’m now working as a web and mobile developer, but I started my working life as a researcher in Bioprocess Engineering


How did you hear or find out about Hyperion Development?


Through a Google search.


Which Hyperion course did you take and why?


I took the introductory Python course. I had heard about Python through my engineering studies.


How has the course helped you towards your studies, your career or finding a job?


I was looking for a career change and considered Software development as an interesting option. I took a course at Hyperion to help make the decision as to whether or not I should focus on a career in software and it really helped “break the ice”. I found the concepts taught to be approachable and clear, helping to lay the foundation for future learning and working in Software Development.


The core concepts that were taught were more than enough to kick-start learning and the ability to find solutions to inevitable problems encountered. Stackoverflow was no longer just a niche jargon-filled website but a useful tool. Additional reading and learning materials also became a lot more accessible after studying with Hyperion.


I started learning to code with Hyperion in late 2012, and now I’m happily pursuing a full time career in web and mobile development and have even worked as CTO at a Cape Town based digital agency.


Our current courses set up allow students to do work even offline, was this beneficial to you at all?


Yes, it was beneficial.


What did you enjoy most about the course?


I like the fact that the course was simple and approachable but still covered enough content to create something useful.


Read more Success Stories here.