HyperionDev Success Stories: Simon Shilo

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Simon Shilo was a part-time tutor when he stumbled upon HyperionDev’s programming courses. He recognised his potential for coding and software development and he took the leap to pursue it further. Today, he’s a Data Science trainee, developing apps  for a variety of industries across the board. Check out Simon’s story below to see more of what he’s up to you and what were his favorite parts of his HyperionDev course.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your current occupation.

Hi, my name is Simon Shilo. I’m 27 and I stay in Cape Town. Before doing a course with HyperionDev, I was an undergraduate student studying Material Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Pretoria. I was also a part-time tutor. Now I’m a Data Science trainee. I’m also co-developing apps, one for education for improved UX in tutoring mathematics and another for online shopping. Watch this space!

I did a C++ beginner and advanced course with HyperionDev. I took it part-time over three months. It’s one of the short courses.


Why did you decide on this course?

I felt that I had potential in coding and I really wanted to take it further. I knew computer science and computer languages are in great demand in the workplace. I wanted to get involved with that.


Has the course helped you achieve your new career goals and objectives?

Absolutely. Not only have I landed a job, the course also meant it was much easier for me to learn other object-oriented languages like Java and Javascript.


Tell us about your experience of the 1:1 mentorship at HyperionDev.

I have to say I really found the mentoring process very encouraging. The learning felt much, much deeper than anything I would have achieved by myself.

What part of the course did you enjoy the most?

I really loved the capstone project at the end of the course. This project involved applying everything I had learnt. We were asked to build a pseudo calculator for primary school children for our project. Based on this project and the course in general, I’m definitely thinking of doing a follow-up course and pursuing more knowledge in the developer field.


What advice would you give to people wanting to change careers to become developers?

My main piece of advice is that you must be bold. Don’t be afraid of taking chances. It will pay off for you. And just do your best.


Read more HyperionDev Success Stories here.