hyperiondev graduate program

Introducing HyperionDev’s new Graduate Program

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When you’re learning to code and starting your new tech career, knowing how to program is only half the battle. We understand better than anyone else the challenges that new developers face when entering the tech space for the first time – that’s why our newly launched HyperionDev Graduate Program adds a deeper, more refined level of career development support to help new graduates as they prepare enter the working world. 

This new program is an overhaul of our post-bootcamp careers support, and has been designed to help graduates cultivate their industry networks, find new job opportunities, and maximise their candidacy for job opportunities. 

“The graduate program is an opportunity for graduates to develop a refreshed career mindset,” says Amena Hayat, HyperionDev’s Career Services Manager. “It equips them with both technical and practical career development skills that they will need to enter the job market. Embarking on this journey alongside a dedicated career services team ensures that they are supported throughout their journey to start a new career.”

The HyperionDev Graduate Program is provided free of charge to all HyperionDev students, and it includes three levels of focused career development. Let’s take a look at what it helps you with. 

Level 1 – Technical Career Readiness 

This level of development is all about building up the graduate’s skills, portfolio, and career readiness to its full potential. To help you build a strong foundation to enter your job seeking phase, this level of support focuses on building up your technical and professional eligibility through in-depth coaching and career readiness reviews. 

“Ensuring that our graduates are equipped with career support that understands the current job market and the future of work is at the core of our graduate program,” says Amena. “We’ve designed the core of Level 1 support to ensure that the graduates we send into the market are confident, interview-savvy, and prepared for the world of work that awaits them.” 

Level 1 includes: 

  • Career development learning webinars,
  • Career consultation sessions, 
  • Full CV review and assistance, 
  • Assistance with creating and fine-tuning your portfolio, 
  • LinkedIn professional profile review, 
  • Interview coaching & mock interview sessions, 
  • Assignment of technical reading material.

This is our most critical part of the career development support process, and it requires you to pass an end-of-level review before moving on to the next level.

Level 2 – Alumni Networking

Once you are deemed technically ready to enter the job market, you’ll get the opportunity to join the Alumni network. The Alumni network is a group of graduates who can guide and support you in networking and finding the right job opportunities.

“The current job market is competitive and can take a lot out of a new graduate who is excited to start working and using their new skills, but is finding it difficult to find a job,” says Amena. “Creating a sense of community creates a healthy space for our graduates to continue being motivated in their job search and to share job search experiences with colleagues who are going through their job searches too.”

During level 2 of the HyperionDev Graduate Program, you’ll receive a range of support tasks and assistance that will help you to discover, enter, and grow the professional networks that will be critical to your job success. 

With its focus on networking, Level 2 includes:

  • Membership to the HyperionDev alumni network,
  • Collaborative exercises with other alumni, 
  • Invitation to meet-ups with industry experts and affiliate alumni, 
  • The chance to ‘pay it forward’ by contributing to the community through your own alumni & community projects, presentations, or events. 

“‘Paying it forward’ during the grad program doesn’t just allow our graduates to add a notable piece of experience to their CV’s,” says Amena. “It also helps them develop a sense of camaraderie and connection between newly graduated alumni and current students who want to join the alumni network, make new connections, and find career opportunities.” 

Level 3 – Introduction to the Industry

This final level of the Hyperiondev Graduate Program builds on to the networking development of level 2, but with a greater emphasis on job seeking, professional networking, and cultivating new career opportunities. 

“I often share the common notion that ‘what you know‘ gets you into the room, but who you know’ gets you a seat at the table’,” says Amena. “This has proven to be true in many professional situations and the best way to bolster this power of personal connection is through active networking. Networking is vital to career growth: it allows graduates to build long-term relationships and develops their professional reputation.”

During level 3, you’ll get the final booster you need for your career development, through a range of rich networking and connection-building activities, including:

  • Memberships to the HyperionDev Affiliate alumni network
  • Membership to the exclusive LinkedIn HyperionDev networking group
  • Introduction to our hiring partners 
  • Invitation to external networking meetup events
  • The opportunity to get involved in the wider community of developers.

This new HyperionDev Graduate Program is just a part of our online and on-site coding bootcamps’ focus on creating job-ready developers who can find high-paying, rewarding careers in months rather than years.

Our coding bootcamps do more than just teach job-ready, industry-aligned practical skills in full stack web development, software engineering, and data science; we also help students maximise their chances at entering the professional tech space, through career development, practical skills refinements, and networking opportunities. 

To learn these essential tech skills, and get your kick-start into the tech industry, simply click here to register for your bootcamp. All of our bootcamps are accessible and meet your schedule, with part-time, full-time, online, and on-campus structures to fit your personal, educational, and career goals. 

If you’re a current student and haven’t yet received your career development assistance, opt-in for the Graduate program by clicking here.