Lizl Success Story: From Data Analyst to Software Developer

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Before finding HyperionDev, Lizl was tired of crunching numbers and statistics and wanted to find a career that was a bit more challenging. What attracted her to pursue a career in programming was how much room there is for constant improvement, growth and learning. They say developers are lifelong learners, and we think Lizl fits the definition perfectly. Read on to find out more about Lizl’s experience with HyperionDev, how much she loved our personal mentorship support, and her advice for aspiring developers.


Tell us a bit about what you were doing before you started your bootcamp.

Before I started the course at HyperionDev in 2016, I was working as a Data Analyst. I was looking to change careers, as I did not enjoy the Data Analysis very much. I was reading up on various career paths and development caught my eye, not only because of the availability of jobs in the field, but because of how broad the field is, how there is always room for improvement and growth, and how there is always something more to learn.


What Bootcamp/Course did you do and why?

While looking for a good starting place to learn about development, I came across HyperionDev’s Certified Software Developer MicroDegree. Of all the courses I saw, this course stood out to me. It offered me a good basis in 3 popular languages (Python, Java and C#) and it also taught me about Object Oriented Programming (which has been invaluable knowledge so far). Having a mentor available at all times was great, as well as the freedom to try things on my own first. It helped me gain confidence in my coding, without getting frustrated when I got stuck on an assignment.


Why did you decide to switch to a career in coding?

I love solving puzzles and coding is the ultimate logic puzzle. Yet there is rarely, if ever, only one way of solving the puzzle. In that way, coding is similar to art, where you can add your personal touch to the final product. It is a very rewarding career and even when you reach the “expert” level, there is always more to learn so you can grow.


Has the course helped you achieve your new career goals and objectives?

Absolutely! HyperionDev has given me a strong foundation to build my career on.


Tell us about your experience of the 1:1 mentorship at HyperionDev.

It was great to have a personal mentor. Whether I was stuck on a solution, stuck on a question or just had a general query, my mentor was always there to give timely, relevant feedback.


What part of the course did you enjoy the most?

I most enjoyed the project at the end of each language module. It was fun to put everything I had learnt together.


What advice would you give to people wanting to change careers to become developers?

It’s daunting at first. Companies will often give you a “skills test”, which contains the hardest, most ambiguous questions they can think of. Don’t let it break your spirit. As with any career, it is hard work to match theory to practice at first, but the great thing about the development community is that they love to share knowledge. Once you start getting the hang of things, there will be no stopping you.