web development

Student Spotlight: Stanley – Full-Stack Web Development Student

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Stanley Ikegbulam comes from Pretoria. To reach his career goals, he’s  enrolled on the on-site, part-time HyperionDev Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. Before that, he studied Computer Science and Business Administration. He arrived in Pretoria in 2016 and has been working freelance in audio visual production, branding and marketing. When outlining his decision to study web development part-time, he says the following:

This course will allow me to create and design – two things I love doing. I’ll also be able to switch careers and earn more.

Part-time study has many advantages, particularly if you need to carry on working to fund your course. The Good University Guide outlines a couple of other benefits including:

  • Lifestyle – your routine is more interesting, because you’re blending coursework, employment and leisure.
  • Variation of the student body – part-time study tends to attract non-traditional students.  According to a report from the American Council on Education, which was quoted in Ed Tech magazine, non-traditional students tend to be older than 25, working full-time and, financially independent, with some of them likely to be parents. In essence, they are early- to mid-career adults seeking career growth or change – and they are the ones who value flexibility the most. 

Stanley is very excited about his part-time web development course. He’s already started planning where he’ll be in five years time. As far as these ambitions go, he lists the following:  

  • Working in a stimulating job.
  • Earning an excellent salary, potentially at a big tech company like Google or Facebook.
  • Freelancing while travelling the world. 
  • Meeting new and fascinating people who are making a difference in the world. 

But currently, Stanley is really enjoying the studying process. He says: 


I’m fascinated by this new world and I love being able to create and bring coding to life. Because programming and the web is an ever-evolving field, it’s definitely the future, so I’m excited about being in the driver’s seat.

He’s also got some thoughts for those thinking about coding as a career.


Learning coding is both beautiful and lucrative – it’s like learning hieroglyphics.

It may be like hieroglyphics, but Stanley is in the enviable position of having a mentor offering code reviews to help him in his journey. All HyperionDev students receive personalised feedback on their code to ensure they’re writing industry-standard, professional code. Says Stanley:


The code reviews from my mentor give me a major confidence boost. They make me believe that I can do more.

If you’re keen to upskill or you just want to enter the in-demand field of tech (no previous experience necessary), HyperionDev offers online bootcamps in Full Stack Web Development, Data Science or Software Engineering. You can also trial one of these courses for free. If online learning is not your thing, you could join a face-to-face Web Developer or Software Engineering course in Cape Town or Johannesburg. Start your career change today.