web developer

Student Success Story: Evan – From Real Estate Agent to Junior Full Stack Web Developer

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Evan Ernest Malherbe was unsatisfied in his position as a real estate agent. He had difficulty earning a decent salary and found little joy in his work. In fact, during his years of employment as a real estate agent, he felt he never found fulfilment. That all changed when he decided to enrol in HyperionDev’s Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp.

“I have spent my working life moving from one job to another every few years and could never find something that I truly enjoyed and found intellectually challenging. I had dabbled with some html and css several times over the years, but never seriously. After growing disillusioned with my last job, I spoke to my parents, and they suggested I look into “building websites” again. “

The advice Evan garnered from his parents resulted in some careful research of his options. He came across multiple offerings for studying web development online, but none were quite as well suited as HyperionDev’s Full Stack Web Developer bootcamp.


“I had read about bootcamps and that they were a valid way to learn to code without having to do a 4-year degree in Computer Science, so I started doing some online research. I quickly figured out that HyperionDev was easily the most prominent and well-respected name in the industry. I read lots of reviews and decided that this was definitely the way to go. While I would have preferred to do the bootcamp in person, I live in Durban and so I decided to do the online one, but full time, so that I could finish in 3 months. Best decision ever!”


The course of code

Evan worked incredibly hard during his online web developer course. Each session provided more value than the last, and he was quickly able to scale his skillset. Soon, he was achieving his goal one step at a time. Evan says:


“I was happiest when I would finally succeed in fixing a bug or getting some tricky code to work perfectly after many hours of struggle. There is no better feeling than that! I also felt extremely proud of myself when I sent my final task in for review. What a challenging and rewarding experience this has been!”


Entering the job market

Evan’s hard work and determination – in tandem with the newfound sought-after skills he developed – landed him a foot in the door of the lucrative tech industry. He says:


“I landed a job as a Junior Full Stack Web Developer at iX Online Motoring within 8 days of finishing my bootcamp! I ran into a former boss of mine, and he asked what I had been doing lately, so I told him about the bootcamp and that I had just finished. He seemed very impressed that I had learned to code in React. He said that he has actually been looking for a new developer who knows React and asked me to contact his HR lady the following day. I have since realised that Hyperion set me up for success by teaching me a highly sought-after stack (the MERN stack) that many companies are looking to change to because of its advantages. My skills are in high demand!”


The Career Support Programme

Evan says that he received immense support and guidance from HyperionDev, helping him garner his first job role. 


“The tasks for getting my technical CV created and setting up my Linkedin account were very valuable. I know for a fact that my developer portfolio website and Github account with all the little projects I had done during the bootcamp definitely helped me land the job”

Evan even has his eyes and heart set on a successful future. In five years’ time, he hopes to achieve greatness as a web developer. He says:


“I see myself learning a ton of new things in the first while, but specifically, I’m looking forward to applying what I know to actual client websites in a professional environment. It’s so satisfying to see how the skills I learned in the bootcamp are actually exactly what I need in the workplace! I expected to have to learn tons of new things or change the way I coded in order to succeed, but that hasn’t been necessary. I started building a website on day one and haven’t stopped!”


Advice for the future generation of coders

The tech industry is only expanding, with the relevant skills growing in demand. For all the budding programmers, web developers, and coders, Evan says:


“I would say that while the skills are absolutely in demand from companies, you need to understand that this stuff is challenging! The resources have never been more readily available to learn to code, but it is pretty tough. I think the high salaries in this field are justified because not everybody can do this kind of work. Having said that, you never know until you try!”



If you feel inspired by Evan’s story and would like to journey into the fulfilling tech industry yourself, start your journey with HyperionDev here. Who knows, your success story may be next.