Student Success

Student Success Story: Lungile – From Student to Java Developer

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Lungile Mngonyama had always been interested in data science, and learning to use tech to empower her career, research, and job prospects. However, as a busy student studying at Wits University, it was difficult for her to find time to learn the essential tech skills she was looking for. When Lungile discovered our online part-time coding bootcamps, she was elated to be able to fit learning these critical tech skills into her spare time. She enrolled for a Data Scientist bootcamp, and now – just months after graduating from her bootcamp – she is working as a professional Java Developer. 

We asked her some questions about her journey in learning to code, and about her path to success in finding a job as a professional developer. 


What were you doing before your HyperionDev bootcamp?

I was a student at Wits University.


Why exactly did you decide to take a HyperionDev bootcamp, and what led up to this decision?

I have always had a strong interest in data science, but I had no noticeable skills nor knowledge in the field. So I dared myself to partake in this bootcamp with the mindset that I will have no space of giving up because of the amount I was paying. Therefore I had to gather my strength and push to learn as much as I could so it would be worth every cent. 


Where do you currently work and what is your role?

I work at Discovery Limited as a Java Developer.


Tell us about your new job. What are your new responsibilities, and how do you use what you learned in your coding bootcamp?

At my new job, I mostly create new web pages and websites. My HyperionDev bootcamp was really useful for this, because it taught me to think like a programmer, how to convert human language to computer code, and the practical skills (like Object Oriented Programming) that I need to get the job done.


How did you hear about the role?

I took part in the GradHack event the company was hosting last year, and managed to bag myself employment.


How did the part-time bootcamp accommodate your time/work requirements.

It was really flexible and fit my schedule. I had multiple options for mentor sessions at different times and dates, so I could choose the time most suitable for me, considering that I was also enrolled as a student at Wits University.


What did you think about your experience on the HyperionDev Data Scientist bootcamp?

HyperionDev was a good learning environment. It has firm supporting structure with good dedicated mentors, and my journey with them has been worth more than my time and money,


What was it like getting your coding submissions reviewed by an expert?

The code reviewing process was very supportive, because I knew I was on the right (or wrong) track, and it showed me alternative ways of solving programming challenges. The code review really took my coding to a new level.


What parts of your coding bootcamp were the most challenging, and how did you overcome these?

Using Neural Networks was really fun, but a real challenge. I managed to get through it by looking for extra learning materials about this technology. 


What did you learn at HyperionDev that helped you in your current job?

SQL, and the use of Object Oriented Programming. Java and SQL are two of the most-used technologies at my new job, so learning these techniques and technologies was really useful. 


What is the coolest thing you learned in your new role?

Creating websites, and working on both backend and frontend code of web pages. 


Was taking a bootcamp about upskilling and improving your current job prospects or about making a drastic career change?

This bootcamp was about making a drastic career change. I had little knowledge on data science and programming, but I knew that I would need practical skills if I wanted to make a switch to the rapidly-growing tech industry. It was also about chasing my personal interests and passions: I’m a practical and curious person, and I love the research process. I’m very happy that I’m now employed as a developer by one of the biggest companies.


What advice would you give to people who are thinking about learning to code or changing careers to become developers?

Come and join us. It’s a challenge worth exploring, the money is good, the challenges never end, and you never stop learning. Plus, you can work any way you choose to (remotely or on-site), and you don’t need to have big, formal qualifications to be noticed in the industry, as long as you can demonstrate your skills and get the job done.


Do you want to learn in-demand tech skills to open up career doors in your future? Our online and on-site coding bootcamps will teach you everything you need to know to become a professional developer in as little as three months, just like Lungile did. Our mentor-led hybrid learning model combines close student support and expert code review with a focus on practical skills to make you job-ready in software engineering, web development, or data science, in just months. Best of all, our bootcamps understand that your life can get busy: you’ll be able to study flexibly and with freedom, so that you can fit your future tech career into your full-time job, uni course, or family weekends. 


Apply now to secure your seat on Southern Africa’s leading coding bootcamp.