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Student Success Story: Michail – From Hobby Coder to Software Engineer

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HyperionDev graduate Michail Pliuscik is in his last days working for a popular snow sports brand in London and will soon be joining the exciting world of tech as he starts his new job as a data engineer in the British capital. 

While earning his keep, Michail took up coding as a hobby and quickly realised that becoming a qualified programmer was his true calling in life. An online search for courses led him to HyperionDev’s world-class training, and without further ado, Michail enrolled in our online Software Engineering Bootcamp with a plan to switch careers as soon as possible. The part-time study option enabled him to keep his job as he chased the coveted software engineering certification. He explains what led him to choose a career in tech (other than loving coding):

I wanted to earn a better salary but was also looking for a complete career change. Because most companies need programmers, qualifying as a software engineer was a no-brainer.” 

The Benefits of Software Engineering

Software engineers are generalised developers that make all kinds of software to suit a business’s needs. As technology becomes more and more ingrained in every aspect of daily life, software engineers are in demand in nearly every industry. 

Developing the skills for an in-demand career is a great way to create job security and future-proof your career. What’s more, being a programmer offers a high degree of flexibility, as many companies are happy to work with digital nomads, freelancers, remote workers and telecommuters. 

The career is associated with incredible pay, boundless career opportunities and solid job security, which makes it no wonder that Michail decided to switch to a career in code.

Going Above and Beyond

Michail admitted that juggling a full-time job and in-depth study was a challenge, but with HyperionDev’s humanised student support and world-class code review practices, he knew the push would be worth it. He says:

Having a goal of completing the course and finding my dream job kept me going.”

Throughout the course, Michail built on and refined his skills, gaining confidence that he could hit the ground running when he entered the profession. 

Here are some of the top skills Michail learnt during the Software Engineering Bootcamp:

  • Object-oriented programming and agile development
  • Sought-after computer languages like Python
  • Backend development 
  • DevOps development
  • Systems analysis 

Using Python and SQL for the back-end and HTML and CSS on the front-end, he put his skills to the test by creating a powerful “task management” tool that can be used by individuals or organisations alike to complete projects more efficiently. Michail completed the course with a strong GitHub portfolio and, for that last push into the professional world, signed up with the HyperionDev Career Guidance programme. He says, 

HyperionDev gave me tons of advice on creating a technical CV and stand-out cover letter, as well as great tips on how to approach the interview process.” 

It paid off. Michail applied for a position, aced the interviews and tests, and is about to embark on his new career as a data engineer. In five years’ time, this HyperionDev graduate sees himself as a senior software engineer. 

The Future is in Tech

The future of technology and software engineering looks promising, with advancements in artificial intelligence, automation, cloud computing, and quantum computing likely to revolutionise how businesses process data. To this end, and as technology evolves, professionals such as Michail can look forward to an increased variety of opportunities

With strong soft skills, such as an inquiring mind, excellent analytical skills and a knack for problem-solving, Michail is optimistic about his prospects. His best advice for budding coders and programmers?

Be consistent and always look for creative ways to solve problems. Set a goal, trust the process, keep learning, and be mindful of what brings you joy.”

We couldn’t agree more! Follow Michail’s exciting career in tech at his Github portfolio

If you’re inspired by Michail’s story and feel ready to embark on your own journey toward a fulfilling coding career, sign up for a bootcamp by registering with HyperionDev. Who knows, your success story may be next!