Online Web Development Course

Student Success Story: Victor – From IT Support Technician to Full Stack Software Engineer

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When Victor Obed Machimana started thinking about taking an online web development course, he had no programming history. Having worked as an IT support technician at a clinical company, his day-to-day duties involved on-site and remote technical support. While he worked this job, his days were blending together, and he began to feel discontent with his work. That’s when Victor made the decision to change the course of his career path by upskilling with an accessible solution: HyperionDev’s online Web Development bootcamp. 


“Even though I liked what I did in my previous job, I quickly realised that it was becoming a monotonous routine and the pay wasn’t that great either. I wanted something more diverse and creative. So, after looking up courses that HyperionDev offered and doing a bit more research, it became obvious that web development was something that I wanted to do.”

What made this solution so accessible for Victor was that the bootcamp could be sculpted around his existing lifestyle. He had the choice to study part-time while he worked, but in the end, he opted for a full-time learning commitment. Victor was ready for a complete career change, and he was dedicated to making that happen in a matter of months. Victor wanted to increase his salary and brighten up his career, and he was willing to put in the work and upskill for an in-demand job. At the start of his bootcamp, he had no history in programming, but with the help of expert code review and practical skills development, his progress was fast and lasting.


“When I enrolled at HyperionDev, I had no programming history. But thanks to their mentoring programme, I was able to quickly learn in a way that I wouldn’t have in a traditional classroom. Every lesson came with a hands-on project and that really helped with my learning curve. Learning by doing is really the best way to learn.”

We agree with Victor – learning by doing really is the best way to learn. That’s why all HyperionDev bootcamps have an emphasis on practicality and industry-relevant skills. The tech industry is constantly evolving, and our courses are too. We ensure all our content is up-to-date and applicable to the day-to-day demands that you’d likely find in a programming role. With expert code review, our students work 1-on-1 with experienced programmers who provide individualised feedback on every bit of code. 


“The code reviewing process was great because it showed me alternative ways of solving programming challenges. The process was very supportive and helped me to identify when I was on the right (or wrong) track. Having expert coders review my work really took my coding to a new level. It’s the same process that happens in the industry, and I learn in the same way today.”

Victor’s current role is Full Stack Software Engineer at OneCart, an online grocery delivery service that serves South Africans. After his online web development course, he made lateral shifts in his career and continued to learn by doing. 


“Working with an amazing team of intermediate and senior software engineers has helped me to improve my back-end and front-end skills and my problem-solving skills. I’ve also learned new tech stacks like MySQL, serverless, typescript and more thanks to the company’s support system that purchases courses for employees to improve their skills.”

But even with all the advancements he’s made in his career, Victor’s first online web development course with HyperionDev was his foot in the door to a booming industry that’s geared toward growth. To this day, Victor uses the skills and techniques he developed during his time learning at HyperionDev.


“In my current position, I’m responsible for managing and developing the company’s eCommerce website and in-house web tools, such as administration software and web apps. HyperionDev definitely equipped me with all the necessary skills that I needed to land this job and the skills that I use in my daily work.”

According to Victor, “Code has a big impact in the world that we live in today, and the demand for coders/programmers is only growing wider. Code is in almost everything that we use: our phones, laptops, cars and even house appliances.” With an ever-evolving world and a continuously digitising economy, tech skills are more sought-after than ever. 


If you feel inspired by Victor’s story and would like to journey into the fulfilling tech industry yourself, start your journey with HyperionDev. Industry-aligned coding bootcamps are the best way to become a job-ready developer in months rather than years  – with an added layer of career development and job-search support.

Enrol now to join one of our online and on-site coding bootcamps, which will teach all the hands-on developer skills you need to do real developer work. Who knows your success story may be next.