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Student Success Story: Zubair – From Travel Coordinator to Chatbot Tester

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When job unhappiness or breakdowns in the work environment strike, it can have a devastating effect on your self-esteem and personal sense of fulfillment. But what happens when employees feel locked into their jobs because of a static or industry-specific skill set? More and more, employees in jobs of all kinds are realising that upskilling programs like HyperionDev’s Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp are powerful tools that give them a solid footing into brand new career paths. One such employee is Zubair Tassiem, a 26-year-old from Cape Town who left his old, unfulfilling job as travel coordinator for a new career in tech.

According to Zubair, the Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp he joined gave him the confidence and skills he needed to pursue a better, more fulfilling career. 


I worked in an unhappy environment, in a company where people left after two weeks because of the unfair treatment they received. However I was unable to just pack my bags and leave because I have a family to support. So I decided to upskill. Eight months later, I am in a better environment doing what I love.

The structure of the bootcamp, and its hands-on, mentor-led design that teaches practical skills with industry-real applications, helped Zubair feel ready to pursue a web development job in no time. In fact, through the bootcamp, Zubair got a new job as a Chat Bot Tester at XIB Solution after passing just the first level of the bootcamp.


I had only completed level 1 [out of 3 levels] when I informed my mentor that I felt ready to enter the IT and web developer field. He helped me update my CV, and recommended the type of jobs I should apply for. I got my first tech job before I even completed level 2.

Zubair’s HyperionDev mentor was there every step of the way to help him transition to a better, more fulfilling job.


My mentor was very helpful. What I really appreciated was the mock interviews, which helped me a lot, especially since it was my first time going for IT interviews. These mock interviews helped a lot in preparing me for the questions they would ask and how I would be expected to answer them.

And this was all helped by the flexibility and freedom to study offered by our online, part-time Web Developer bootcamp, which gave Zubair the ability to work and look after his family, while progressing continuously and at his own pace towards his goal of a new job in tech or web development. 


The mentors really helped me to figure out new ways of solving problems. I really enjoyed the process of creating something amazing out of only a few lines of code. To anyone who wants to change careers I would say the only way you can start is by starting today.

Is your job getting you down, or are you looking for a way to enter into the in-demand field of tech, data science, or web development, no previous experience necessary? HyperionDev offers online bootcamps in Full Stack Web Development, Data Science or Software Engineering that will give you the skills you need to make the career change you’re longing for – and if you’re currently working, you can do these bootcamps part-time and from the comfort of your couch. You can also trial one of these courses for free

Start your career in tech today.