Yusuf Isaacs – From Customer Support to Full-Time Mobile Developer

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Yusuf had been working in customer tech support for 6 years when he knew it was time for a change. He turned to HyperionDev to make the kind of sustainable career change that would take him in a completely new direction. Yusuf is now a Mobile Developer specialising in Android at Rapid Deploy.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your current occupation

I am a BTech graduate in Software Development and had been struggling for the past 2 years to get into the Software Development industry. I eventually landed a Software Development internship position at Injini, Africa’s first edtech incubator. It was a stimulating and challenging environment and I’m very happy about the exciting opportunity. Currently, I am working as a Mobile Developer at Rapid Deploy.

Why did you take a coding course? Were you looking to up-skill or start a new career?

I wanted to start a new career. I have been working in tech support for the past 6 years and I knew it was time for a career change. I had a look at the wide variety of tech courses at HyperionDev. They seemed ideal for making the kind of sustainable career change that would take me in a completely new direction.

How did you hear about HyperionDev?

I had heard great things about their courses from other people. I knew HyperionDev allowed me to study online but with the added benefit of personalised mentorship. It’s fantastic to have your own mentor available to support you as you learn new coding skills. I couldn’t have done it on my own!

Which HyperionDev course did you take and why?

I completed the Advanced Mobile Developer MicroDegree. I taught myself Android and have also developed an Android app previously. I took this course because I wanted to get a better understanding of Android and I was also interested in working as an Android Developer. The job demand in mobile development is high and I knew I would command a much higher salary.

How has the course helped you so far towards your career goals and objectives?

During my internship at Injini, I was creating Android apps, which will be used in the real-world. This gave me valuable experience that will look great in my portfolio. It opened many doors for me in a wide variety of exciting fields, such as my current exciting position as an Android Mobile Developer.

At HyperionDev, we believe that machines cannot replace humans, especially when it comes to education. Has the current set-up of our courses and 1:1 mentorship been beneficial to you?

Definitely. Often when working on a software project, I would get stuck. This would normally lead to my having to scour the Internet for a solution. However, during the HyperionDev course when I was given a software project and became stuck, I would always contact my mentor. He or she would guide me towards a solution. This was of course very valuable during the learning process. It’s not just about learning code accuracy, but also efficiency and industry-specific skills.

What aspects of the course did you enjoy and what would you like to see in future courses?

I liked the big project I was given halfway though the course to consolidate everything that I had learnt up to that point. The final project is an even bigger one, which really challenged my skills.  I would like to see future courses focus on Full Stack Mobile Development, as well as iOS development.

Any other comments or advice for prospective students?

I would advise prospective student to research Software Development industry trends. HyperionDev offers a lot of resources to help with this. More importantly, I would advise prospective students to find out what they would like to do. Remember, you can have a successful career no matter which course you choose. It all depends on how hard you are willing to work. However, it really helps if you have a dedicated mentor like I had at HyperionDev.


If you want to become a mobile developer like Yusuf, check out HyperionDev’s Mobile Developer Bootcamp and start your free trial today.