programming blogs

Top 10 programming blogs to follow

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Beginner, intermediate and advanced coders alike find programming blogs to be an excellent source of industry information, news and insights.

Part of growing and honing your skills as a programmer is keeping yourself updated on the latest trends and developments in the world of coding. Bloggers will also share valuable tips, tricks and hacks to help you master your chosen coding languages.

Here are our recommendations for 10 great programming blogs to inform and inspire you.


  1. Microsoft Developer

This is the official Microsoft programming blog, run by professional software engineers who have a wealth of knowledge to share. This is where you’ll find the latest info on software and tech developments, as well as expert coding advice.

Visit the Microsoft Developer blog here.


  1. Google Developer

This is Google’s official resource for programmers, and includes a range of discussion groups for programmers using Google Developer products. In addition, the blog will keep you updated on the latest Google tools, platforms and events.

Check out the Google Developer blog here.


  1. Linux Foundation

For those who favour Linux over Windows, this is the Linux Foundation’s official open source community blog. There’s a wide range of content here, contributed by experts in programming and software engineering.

Get the latest from the Linux Foundation blog here.


  1. Geeks for Geeks

This is a computer science portal for new and aspiring programmers looking to launch their careers. In this online journal, programming “geeks” discuss the best answers to potential programming questions and problems they may be presented with in an interview. There are also regular guest blog posts with insight into common programming queries and practices.

Get involved with the Geeks for Geeks community here.


  1. HyperionDev

HyperionDev is a resource for mentor-led online coding bootcamps, and the site includes a blog which has loads of relevant advice for new programmers. Topics include the most in-demand programming languages, average salaries for developers in different roles, and the best companies and areas for a developer job search. There are also tutorials for those looking to get to grips with the basics.

Read the HyperionDev blog here.


  1. CSS-Tricks

This is the ultimate resource for developers working with cascading style sheets (CSS). However, the blog also covers JS, jQuery, PHP and many other commonly used components of web development.

Find out more by visiting CSS-Tricks here.


  1. Code Cartoons

Something a little different – this blog is a collection of animated illustrations that explain programming concepts like Flux, Redux and Facebook Relay. This is a great resource for those who prefer a more visual learning medium.

Watch some educational Code Cartoons here.


  1. The JavaScript Playground

This is a useful resource for JavaScript tutorials, focusing on topics like BackboneJS, FirefoxOS, NodeJS and jQuery. It’s a good blog for full-stack developers, as it covers quite a broad range of technologies.

Take a look at The JavaScript Playground here.


  1. Coding Horror

This quirky blog is run by Jeff Atwood, creator of StackOverflow. It covers a variety of relevant programming topics and coding concepts, accompanied by useful (and often humorous) visuals.

You can read some Coding Horror stories here.


  1. David Walsh

David Walsh is a respected senior web developer at Mozilla, who has a rich depth of knowledge to share. David’s tutorial-style blog focuses on the practical rather than the theoretical. You’ll find some useful development demos here, with frequent updates to keep your learning fresh.

Check out David Walsh’s blog (DWB) here.


These are just a few of the best programming blogs out there. Find your favourites and feel free to share them with us in the comments!