Wilbert: From Lecturer To Data Scientist

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Wilbert has previously worked as a lecturer, analyst and data specialist over the last 10 years. He realized that he wasn’t marketable enough to apply for roles as a data scientist, due to a lack of Python skills. Interactions with several recruitment agencies made him aware of the fact that if he wants to become a data scientist, he would need to pursue Python further. That’s when he turned to HyperionDev.

“HyperionDev offered Python [in its data science course] which was ideal since Python is now the dominant data science programming language coupled with several libraries such as R, SAS, Knime, Weka, Orange etc.”

Data science is on the rise with developments such as machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence). In essence, the field of data science consists of taking large sets of raw data and converting it into actionable solutions for a business. What made Wilbert decide he wanted to pursue this particular industry as a career?


“I realized that the new sexy job in the world is data scientist and machine learning engineer. Coupled with my current educational qualifications, being a data scientist was a noble idea so I was excited to see where HyperionDev could take me.”

Currently, Wilbert is working as a Principal Consultant in Data Science for EOH in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is developing machine learning models for credit scoring and coaching and mentoring junior colleagues. He also offers data science consultancy services to several clients in the telecommunications, retail and financial industries.


“Within months of completing my HyperionDev course I had landed a job at EOH in Data Science, earning over 40% more monthly than what I was earning before I took the course. The course prepared me incredibly well for this role with EOH; the course’s practical projects in Python improved my set of tech skills, making me marketable to any company as a data scientist”

Wilbert applauds the 1-on-1 mentorship aspect of HyperionDev’s online courses. He says,


“My interactions with my mentor were fantastic and personally, I enjoyed the program. The mentor was always available to assist me, consistently sending me some additional notes and resources if I ever needed it.”

Want to become a data scientist like Wilbert? Register for a free trial on our Data Science Bootcamp and see if a career in this field is right for you.