What is C#?

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Not to be confused with the music note C-sharp, “C#”, is a programming language created by Microsoft as part of its .NET framework. Run by a development team in Microsoft and headed up by Anders Hejlsberg since 1999, the most recent version of C# was released in 2017, along with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.


Visual Studio
Visual Studio


C# is a modern multi-paradigm, general purpose, object oriented programming language. Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects which may contain data. C# is intended to be suitable for writing applications for both hosted and embedded systems, ranging from the very large systems that use sophisticated operating systems, down to the very small systems which have dedicated functions. An interesting aspect about C# is that it is very economical with regard to memory and processing power requirements – thus, most of its applications have a better performance.

What is C#? It is used for Real World Applications

What is C#?
Visual Studio in action


C-sharp is used by hundreds of thousands of programmers and is used in many areas, mostly found in large enterprise applications and desktop applications. One of the most popular applications written in C# is the famous Microsoft Visual Studio program – an integrated, open source development environment used to develop programs for Microsoft Windows. Its main use is to build Microsoft Enterprise software; however, since 2016, it can be used on non-Windows machines. There are also a few open source applications written in C#, such as Paint.NET – an open source graphics editor, and Banshee – an open source media player, as well as many others. It is generally used for web development, game development, and as general Microsoft development.