Chengetai Chitungo – From Warehouse Controller to Full Stack Web Developer

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Read how HyperionDev helped Chengetai obtain his ideal career in this week’s Featured Student interview!

Tell us a bit about yourself and your current occupation


I have been working for the past 2 years as a Warehouse and Logistics Controller for a software and telecommunications company. During this time I was able to further my education and get certified on a number of different software platforms and systems.  I’d really describe myself as a person with a versatile skill set, a lot of integrity and willingness to go the extra mile to deliver results.

How did you hear about Hyperion?


The internet is a few clicks away, if you want to find out about anything. I spend most of my time on my Android phone surfing the net. I had been learning code on my own and it came to a point where I wanted to study programming and be certified by a reputable institution. I searched on Google and HyperionDev was one of the sites that came up. After going through the website, I was sold and decided to give it a go with HyperionDev.

Which Hyperion course did you choose to study and why?


I decided to do the Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp. I was motivated by the desire to learn multiple languages including HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Python, and Django. I knew this would provide the best opportunity for me to have a coding career, which I achieved. I’m passionate about solving problems. I’d like to build a long-term career that lets me focus on professional growth as a Full Stack Developer.

What are your career goals and objectives?


I wanted to understand all the layers of development, including the back- and front-end of a website. I knew this would increase my chances considerably when I applied for various coding positions.

Explain how the Hyperion 1:1 mentorship worked for you


I found it extremely beneficial, as I had support from my mentor whenever I became stuck.  The response time from my mentor was super quick. My mentor was always able to explain potential solutions to me. Personally, I had problems with installing Django on my Windows OS . I ended up installing it on my Linux system, which actually gave me the perfect opportunity for learning the Linux system, and now I really enjoy coding on this operating system.  (I did eventually manage to install Django on my Windows OS.)

What aspects of the course did you enjoy?


I thought the support was fantastic. My mentor was extremely helpful and approachable. I learnt a lot from him.

What comments and advice do you have for prospective students?


You will be challenged and get stuck at some point on your coding journey. That is part of the learning experience. But remember, others have come across the same challenges and can help you. Be persistent. Use your mentor. He or she can also help you find a community of coders that will be of use in your coding journey.