Tech Jobs are in High Demand

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If you’re thinking about changing careers to something tech-related, it makes sense to research whether tech jobs are in high demand. No point upskilling if you’re only going to land up in a sector where it’s difficult to find work. However, this is certainly unlikely to be the case in the tech industry.


Digital Economy Flourishing: Tech Jobs are in High Demand


The good news is that in the US in 2017, the market grew about 2%, according to an annual report, called Cyberstates, released by The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), one of the IT industry’s top trade associations. That equates to about 7.3 million workers. It seems clear that the digital economy is flourishing and tech jobs are in high demand, particular jobs in software, cybersecurity and cloud computing.


Some additional findings of the Cyberstates report, via the Chicago Tribune, included:


  • New jobs added in the previous year were 182 220 – this was the result of demand in IT services and custom software services.
  • The average salary is $108,900 for a US-based tech industry worker. (Check out more information about developers’ salaries globally.)
  • During the last three months of 2016, the number of job opening posts in tech was 626,560.
  • The tech industry adds $1.3 trillion, or 7,5 percent, to the US economy per annum.


Additional stats from the Cyberstates 2017 report, US-based:


Top 5 states — tech employees

  1. California 1,186,470
  2. Texas 592,960
  3. New York 377,740
  4. Florida 318,340
  5. Massachusetts 300,630


Top 5 cities — tech employees

  1. New York 392,400
  2. San Jose, Calif. 310,900
  3. Washington, D.C. 297,900
  4. Los Angeles 287,600
  5. Boston 263,500


(Via the Chicago Tribune)


Job Satisfaction also Booming


A later study conducted in June 2017, also by CompTIA, found that  a net 79% of IT professionals were satisfied with their jobs, up from 73% in 2015. 73% felt that their job “provides them with a sense of personal accomplishment; while 71 % believe their job makes good use of their talents”.


However, 1 in 4 worry that their skills will become obsolete; therefore the large majority seek more training and educational opportunities. Not a bad plan considering the industry will need to fill millions of tech jobs in the next decade. Nancy Hammervik, executive vice president of industry relations at CompTIA, puts it like this: “The tech industry’s challenge is America’s challenge: developing a robust workforce that can effective fill the IT jobs of the 21st century”.


The best way to upskill is via an online technology bootcamp, because one can combine the mentoring of a coding bootcamp with the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of a MOOC. In closing, it seems that when it comes to job satisfaction and demand, now and in the future, you can’t go wrong with training in tech.


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